Bookkeeping 101

What do bookkeepers do

There are already many bookkeeping and accounting sites explaining the functions of bookkeeping. Even ChatGPT (or Google's Gemini) can do a decent job summarizing it.

Instead of repeating the information, I want to explain it on a high level, hopefully in simple words. So what bookkeepers really do??

A bookkeeper keeps the financial books of a business. It centers around generating / recording, storing, managing all the business financial transactions (in "books") and turning data into meaningful reports. I use 4 areas to capture all bookkeeping responsibilities. 

Responsibilities of a bookkeeper

Area 1: Recording the flow of money with the right buckets, timely & accurately.

Money constantly flows in and out along with business activities (when you make a sale, purchase materials, pay for contractors or yourself, send an invoice, pay for a loan, etc.). A bookkeeper records each transaction with the correct buckets.

Generally there are 5 types of bucket:

Each type / category can have many sub-buckets. A business can easily have a set of >50 financial buckets or even hundreds depends on the business needs.

Area 2: Managing the bookkeeping system 

Area 3: Relevant day to day tasks & operations

Area 4: Generating financial reports periodically to help owner make sense of the financial data

In my option this is the fun part. Typically a set of reports are generated: income statement, cash flow, balance sheet.

The reports help to understand the financial health of the business. It can give you insights on things like:

Based on particular business needs, bookkeepers can also create custom reports for specific purposes (i.e. understand cost per project, profit by product / service, or by location, etc.). You can only improve what you track. Work with your bookkeep for your custom reporting.

Accounting vs bookkeeping

We have talked a lot bookkeeping, but what about accounting?